[Good news] How to update the email address if I have been pre-whitelisted already.

[UPDATE] updating the prewhitelisted email address for crowdloan contributors has been closed since the 27th Nov 2021 00:00 UTC.
Some users reported that they entered wrong email for Pioneer crowdloan pre-whitelisting, our engineers just built the feature (on the weekend) allowing KSM contributors to update their email address.
If you like to update the email, you can just follow the same flow when you perform pre-whitelisting on this link below.
The end date of Pre-whitelisting has been extended to 27th Nov 2021 00:00 UTC
On 22nd Nov 2021, a confirmation email will be sent out to all the whitelisted emails including KSM contributors, qualified node operators, qualified ambassadors, NFT holders (Claimed), star program applicants and special groups.
Data update
- So far 17,000+ emails of KSM contributors have been pre-whitelisted in the system.
- 50K+ unique emails and IPs have signed up for the public event expression of interest.
Reminder: Be cautious with scammers.
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